How much work can I expect as a voice artist?

As with starting any new career, there is no guarantee of work.

For example, if you wanted to become a concert pianist, you couldn't ask your piano teacher to tell you how much work you're guaranteed.

On this course we cover all the areas in which voiceover is to be found, and how to go about getting that work. But we cannot guarantee your level of success as we don't know your level of skill or how much commitment you bring to it.

Start voicing as a hobby, because you love it. If you are talented, take advice and put in the work, then the rewards will follow.

This is a lot of money to spend, is it worth it?

When undertaking any new hobby, you can expect a level of required investment.

For example, If you wanted to pursue a new hobby of flying model aircraft, then you’d expect to pay a few thousand for your gear and setup costs, as well as asking other enthusiasts for advice and possibly taking lessons.

Voiceover is no different. There are costs to set up a small studio, and then you need to figure out how to use that gear, how to do the job, what is required and where to find work.

While you can figure this out on your own, the Voice Academy has been designed so you can learn all of this information in a single weekend from professionals who have already been on this journey, while also gaining experience and skills in a real-life studio, with real-life scripts and professional directors - something that is not possible to purchase anywhere else.

How long will it take to become a professional Voice artist?

The success horizon for a voiceover has many variables;

  • How much time you have to commit to the study and practice

  • How much natural talent you have

  • If you have a good ‘ear’ and can hear differences in voices and deliveries

  • How easily you learn new things

  • What you define as ‘success’

  • Mostly - how much passion you have for the work

If someone excels in these areas, then they can expect to see fiscal results within 1 - 3 years.

In short - yes. We have had many, many participants who are neurodiverse or on the spectrum - Voice acting is a pursuit that attracts people with a creative mind!
Please contact us about your level of neurodiversity and any specific requirements before booking so we can make appropriate arrangements.

my child, or I am neurodiverse - can this course accomodate?

We cater to participants from 15 years old to 115 years old, of all genders!

Please contact us for any further info.

What ages does the Voice Academy cater to?

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